NE: State told to pay $292K to firm that challenged sex offender laws

A federal judge has ordered Nebraska to pay more than $292,000 in attorneys’ fees in a lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of changes to the state’s sex offender registry laws. But it was a fraction of the amount sought by the attorneys who represented the sex offenders who sued.

The laws, the most recent changes to the state’s Sex Offender Registration Act, were passed in 2009 but put on hold as a result of the lawsuit before they were to go into effect in 2010. Full Article

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Great! Money talks people. In fact it is the ONLY thing that matters in Amerika!

What impressed me was "It also involved about 50 John and Jane Doe clients" that has a much better sound than 2 anonymous sex offenders sue…I al perfectly willing to be represented in every possible lawsuit here in California. I am sure I am not the only one out of over 70,000 RSO.

Let’s put numbers behind these lawsuits and show them that we have a true voice that needs to be heard and will be silent any longer!

True, large numbers do make a difference. I for one, am willing to stand up and count as a voice for our rights. One challenge we face is it seems the “Federal Government” has made it a crime for RSO’s to meet en mass for any purpose. We have been stripped of more than basic civil rights to include the right live peaceably with out harassment or profiling from anyone. We have many hurdles to jump and bridges to cross to get the courts to realize the true nature that has been created by the registry requirements. I think the toughest battle will be convincing the courts to acknowlege the fact that registration is in reality more punitive than anything else.

In reference to punishment, someone some time ago said something worth thinking about. If you consider registration, halloween ordinances, meetings, internet restrictions, residency restrictions, etc ALL COMBINED, it constitutes a punishment.

Remember …couple years back…that jessic law electronic monitoring could not apply retroactive to those free Americans no longer on parole probation … the same ruling even on that issue has to apply…the Constitution Works.

I note, this story indicates the Nebraska law will provide for publishing ALL sex offenders names. I don’t know who they require to register in Nebraska, but that could mean even misdemeanants! In Calif., for now, misdemeanants are not published and made available to the public, although that has been proposed in recent years and might come back again.

The parts of the law the court overturned did NOT include the part calling for publication of ALL sex offender names. So, it appears they have no problem with that being too much punishment for a misdemeanant.

That ’35’ part is massively un-Constitutional ….injustice … that denies free American citizens the elementary right of free men…and that is to express…speak…communicate as other free men.